Greek Mythology has often been known for producing some of the finest legendary mythical stories ever curated. What is most intriguing is that it closely deals with the realities of the world we live in and profoundly sculpts the power of modern thinking. Among all of the mythological stories that truly traverse the listeners into a magical state of mind, Pandora’s Box is the most well-known. But have you ever wondered why the story is legendary? What is it so famous for? If you do not know the answers to these questions, welcome home! We are here to help you identify that and unravel the secrets to make you travel into the mythological world of Ancient Greeks.
Pandora carved out of clay by Hephaestus
Pandora was a mythical figure in Ancient Greek Eve. She was the first mortal woman who had a brimming curiosity for the world around her. Perhaps, that is the reason Pandora’s life was none other than a sparkling realm of adventure. It all started when the beautiful woman was created out of clay by Hephaestus. He was the only ugly god among all the beautiful ones to survive in Greek Mythology. It is believed that he was deformed and was brought from heaven by one of his parents when they realised his imperfections. Once Hephaestus created Pandora, he gave it to Zeus, the God Of The Sky. He was the protector, father and ruler of all the gods and the humans. As such, he held the supreme power.

Zeus punishes Prometheus for giving fire to man.
When Prometheus was called upon to make a prophecy for Zeus, he predicted that Zeus would defeat the Titans. Raging with joy, Zeus decided to gift something to the two brothers, Prometheus and Epimetheus, for their loyalty. As such, he allowed them to create the most exquisite creatures in the world. Epimetheus took his job seriously and carved out many animals from his power. But Prometheus took his time and carved out man but did not have any protection left for them because Epimetheus had delivered all of them to the animals. But that was not all.
Prometheus gave away fire to man even when Zeus refused it. When Zeus realised this, he was furious with rage. He decided to punish Prometheus by sending an eagle to feast upon his liver every day. That was when Zeus believed that to punish man, it was essential to do something big. That is when Pandora looked as beautiful as Goddess Aphrodite was born. She was gifted with beauty, peace, curiosity, health, generosity and even wisdom. But what was to come, no one had any idea of.
Pandora marries Epithemeus and receives a curious box
Pandora was given away to Prometheus and Epithemeus. Although Prometheus warned his brother of Pandora, he was so charmed by her that he decided to marry her anyway. As a wedding present, Zeus gifted Pandora a box that was to change her life forever. But she was asked never to open the box as it could lead to earth-shattering events. Although she was curious to know what was inside it, Pandora decided to follow Zeus’s instructions. But that did not last for long.
Soon, Pandora started to hear strange noises coming out of the box that accelerated her curiosity and started driving her mad. With each passing day, her burning curiosity to open the box started increasing, and she grew obsessed with it. Blinded by her interest, she decided to fling the box open. Who knew what would happen next?

Pandora’s curiosity starts blazing gradually
As soon as Pandora opened the magical box, horrible things flew out of it. Among them, greed, envy, death and other atrocities began to spread in the world. Pandora was shaking and grieved upon her mistake. But it was too late. All of life had become a ball of misery, and there was nothing to do. But one day, when she realised there was no other way to stop it, she shut the box tightly and decided never to open it again. Although nothing could be restored to everyday life again, Pandora gave away her willingness for the box and learnt her lesson. But even today, the world is known for suffering from all the problems that cropped out of Pandora’s Box. Well, what do you think curiosity is, a blessing or a curse?