cotton swabs ears

Why should you never use cotton swabs to clean your ears?

We often feel tempted to clean our ears with cotton swabs. But have you ever noticed that it never quite works like that? Instead of removing the ear wax, these cotton swabs push them deeper into our ear canal. As a result, hearing problems, excessive ear pain, and constant ear irritation become common. But the truth is, they can do more harm than this. 

Around 3 in 10 adults might have more problems with ear wax. However, using cotton swabs can worsen it by causing deadly symptoms. Let us take a look at them! 

Ear-health risks of using cotton swabs to clean them

Severe injury 

Cotton swabs can tuck your ear wax deeper into the ear canal that, when done vigorously, may cause serious ear injury. As a result, you may face terrible hearing problems and irritation. Such issues are most common among children today as they may use the swabs more vigorously to bring out their ear wax sometimes. Sources have also found out that about 73% of ear injuries occurred due to ear cleaning. That is why there is a stringent need to be more careful when doing so. 

Hearing problems 

We often feel that ear wax is dirty and should be removed at the earliest. Although you might be right about the former, it does not need removal. That is because ear wax is healthy for your ear as it keeps it away from germs and other infections. Thus, it acts as a protective shield for them. But when you use cotton swabs to remove it, you may face these problems of disease and hearing aid. As a result, you may find yourself deafening and finding others inaudible. 


We have already mentioned how cleaning out all the earwax from your ear canal may cause serious infections to develop in those areas. That is why you should prevent using cotton swabs. Allow the ear wax to build up. Oh, and if you are worried about irritation and excessive unhygienic development, do not panic. It will fall out on its own when your ear hair begins to grow. Yes, it is a natural process. Also, the more you experiment with ear cleaning, the more likely you are to develop infections. So, keep that in mind! 


When you use too many cotton swabs for your ears, you are also likely to develop tinnitus. This problem causes ringing in the ears that may irritate your ears constantly. Sounds of hissing and buzzing are the most common types of this problem. If this prolongs in your ears, life-risking conditions like brain tumors, hormonal changes in females, and sinus infections may develop as well. That is why you should seek medical advice as soon as this problem begins to affect your ears. Remember not to delay as it may worsen. 

Constant pain and itching 

Cotton swabs push the ear wax deeper. That is why you may begin to feel constant pain in your ears. Eventually, you may also find your ears itching way more than usual. These are some of the primary problems that you will find when you begin to use cotton swabs on a regular note. That is why doctors suggest that it is best to let the ear wax come off independently. That way, it will be in a harmful condition at minimal. 

How to clean your ears properly?

You do not need to go all out to clean your ears. We have already discussed how allowing the ear wax to come off naturally is the best way to keep your ears clean. However, if you feel the urge to clean, you could roll the cotton swabs gently into your ears. However, make sure you do not push them deeper into your ears, as that hardly works. Slightly moving the cotton swabs in your ears will make some ear wax cling to it. So, you can bring it off without any inconvenience. However, please keep away from any pointy and sharp objects to do the same. Such things may severely damage your ears forever and cause bleeding as well. 

The bottom line 

These were some of the common problems that one may begin to face by using cotton swabs to clean their ears. Thus, avoid doing that as far as you can for your good.

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