Top 5 unsolved mysteries of the brain

The brain is the most delicate and astonishing organ of the human body. The body can not even function without the brain. It helps us to adapt to things and controls our actions and movements based on our emotions and feelings. It receives every single piece of information regarding the body and works accordingly. The brain does not stop working, it is used constantly to move, sense, process, think, and even while dreaming. Besides this, there are also some facts that one needs to have an idea about. 

Here is a list of some unheard questions that can solve all your brain regarding mysteries. 

1. How are memories stored and recovered? 

Several physical changes take place inside the brain. Every brain functions the same way, but different structures of the brain tend to support different types of memory and learning. To function properly, the brain usually distinguishes between long-term memory and short-term memory, declarative memory, and nondeclarative memory. The memory can be destabilized by the act of retrieval. While recalling a past event, the memory becomes unclear and blurred. More than the details of events that occurred, memory can encode the relationship between things. 

2. What are emotions? 

The brain is incomplete without any kind of motivation, emotions, fear, hope, and anger. Those areas of the brain that are involved in emotions will quickly respond to the surprising and anger issues. Actions are the outcomes that take place because of the emotions involved. They assign the values by showing the way to be followed for the actions. If you are suffering from some disease, it is also possible that you might be facing changes in your emotions. On the cognitive processes in humans, emotions place a substantial influence that involves learning, reasoning, memory, perception, problem-solving, and attention. Emotions can help in the information retrieval process by facilitating encoding. 

3. Why do the brain sleep and dream? 

Sleeping is very important for the brain to take out the irrelevant trash and store the important information. In REM sleep, the most important role is played by the brain stem. The hypothalamus is responsible for communicating with the brain stem that is placed on the surface of the brain, which controls the transition while we are asleep or woken up. The hallucinations that take place during our sleep is said to be a dream. As our brain never stops functioning, the things we are thinking about are getting stored in the brain at the time. Due to our subconscious mind, we tend to dream while we are asleep. Our thinking can come up on the point and be made as a complete dream. Some dreams can help us clear the vision but some of them are also nightmares that can make us very scared. 

4. What does the baseline activity of the brain represent? 

The baseline activity is responsible for manipulating memories, representing brain restructuring knowledge in the background, and stimulating the upcoming events and states. As per mental health, the baseline activity of the brain is very important. The brain can function based on how the information from outside is perceived in the senses. Your conscious life is said to be an awake dream where only your eyes are not closed. Because of the external stimuli, there may be only partial changes taking place while dreaming in sleeping and dreaming awake. 

5. What is intelligence? 

Intelligence is a mental ability for the process of learning, problem-solving, and reasoning. It is responsible for integrating cognitive functions like language, perception, planning, attention, and memory. With the help of standardized tests and obtained scores, intelligence can be measured reliably. It can also predict various social outcomes like job performance, longevity, educational achievement, and health. It is proved that the larger the brain, the more intelligence it will have. The brain volume and IQ correlate at about 0.40 level. 


The brain is the most important part of the human body. The body can not function in any case without it. The breath is also controlled by the brain. Proper care should be taken of it for the proper functioning of the body.

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