The comprehensive guide to understand your emotions

Emotions are very essential in carrying out daily tasks. They can be a guide to impact our mind and body. If you are in a good mood, you can easily handle even the most difficult tasks with a fresh mindset and if you are in a bad mood, even the easiest tasks could seem to be miserable to you. Our relationships with others are also dependent on the type of emotions we are experiencing. For eg, If you’ll become angry at a joke cracked by your friend, then you will seem to be offensive but if you don’t show any concern on a tragic story, you will seem insensitive and rude. 

In this article, we will see the best possible ways to understand the nature of emotions. 

  1. Talk about your feelings: Sometimes, we are not clear about the feelings that we are going through. When we talk about our feelings, we tend to share every minor detail that is going on in our minds. This helps in the self-realization of our emotions. Speaking with a friend about your situation, mentioning your problems could help you take proper action regarding your situation. Such Communications may seem to be difficult at first but are very essential to move out of difficult situations. 
  1. Record when your emotions occur: You should keep a record of your emotions, when are they arising, and on what occasions they exist. If due to certain circumstances, you do not feel good, you could easily avoid getting in such a situation by regularly checking your records. There are certain places that we don’t like to visit because it brings back memories which we don’t want to remember. In that case, we can avoid going to such places to protect our emotions. 
  1. Practice Self compassion: Self-compassion can help explore and engage with your experiences, feelings, emotions, and memories. You should try to write down the solutions or things you need to do to feel good. After you’ve found the ways, you can also imply those in your situation. To keep your mind away from dreadful thoughts, you could also indulge in some activities that require your constant focus. Like writing, reading, solving puzzles, etc. 
  1. Recognize how emotions can affect decision-making: Emotions play an important role in decision making. You can make a wrong decision if you are in a bad mood without even thinking about the circumstances. But if your emotions are controlled, you tend to think about the circumstances and the results that will arise out of your decisions and then make a decision wisely. Everyone feels every type of emotion, positive emotions, and negative emotions. The main thing is concerned with appropriately treating your emotions. Before making any sort of decision, you should keep your mind calm and think about the situation with more focus. 
  1. Recognize emotional thinking: Thinking different things is not bad, but constantly thinking about the same thing can put you in a situation of burden. The emotions are generally formed out of the positive and the negative thinking that takes place. Different types of thinking take places, like irrational thinking that arises out of ignoring reasons, paranoid thinking, emotive judgment, and the black and white thinking which takes place when we are unforgiving. If there is something good going on in your mind, it will continue to flourish your thinking. Therefore, you should always place a major focus on positive thinking. 
  1. Read good books: Reading can be your good friend. If your emotions can not be recognized easily, you should read some peaceful books to calm your mind. They can be a good source to lighten your mood. Although you should be consistent in it and have a good patience level for better results. There are many books based on emotions. To know them better, you could easily go through such books. If you are feeling bored, you could read funny comics and adventurous books for a good mood. 


Emotions are never-ending. Even after you’ve passed a bad phase, you don’t leave the feeling behind, you just move on with your life and learn to heal and learn from it. Your behavior can tell a lot about your emotions and what you are feeling.

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