Scariest places on the earth

The fear of being in an unfamiliar place can be scary for some people. And although many people are not afraid to travel, there is always that one person who just can’t stomach the idea of sleeping in a hotel room alone. Whether you’re looking for a thrill or simply want to get your feet wet with foreign culture, these top 10 places on earth might give you a scare.


1) The Dyatlov Pass Incident

In February of 1959, nine experienced hikers died in the Ural Mountains and left many unanswered questions. The group included engineers, teachers, a doctor, and even a film director. They set off on their journey to climb Mount Otorten but never returned home alive. 

When they were found by rescuers six months later, they found that some of them had fractured skulls and ribs. Some theories say the group was attacked by an animal, while others claim it was aliens. One theory suggests that a member set off a panic avalanche which killed the rest in order to save themselves from hypothermia or frostbite.

However, no one knows for sure what happened that day, and the Dyatlov Pass Incident remains one of the top scariest places on earth.

2) The Island Of The Dolls

Mexico City is home to La Isla De Las Muñecas, or The Island of the Dolls. This island resides in a canal near Xochimilco and has become famous for its hundreds of dolls hanging from trees by their neck. These creepy creations are often dressed up like human children with different items. 

The island is named after a lady who lived there with her little girl and doll collection in order to escape from an abusive husband. When she disappeared mysteriously one day, it was assumed that he had come looking for them and killed them both.


3) Laki Volcanic Ash

The Laki volcanic eruption in 1783 killed off nine-tenths of Iceland’s livestock and one-third of its human population, with the huge cloud of ash spreading as far away as Russia. Before this event, Europe had been in a period of unusually cold weather. The cloud blocked out sunlight all over Europe, causing crop failures and famine.

The eruption lasted for eight months, releasing the largest volume of lava seen in a single event since Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD. The prolonged-release of corrosive gases like sulfuric acid caused respiratory problems among survivors who inhaled them, as well as killed vegetation on which they depended for food.


4) Oregon

Oregon is well known for its haunted places. It’s even been nicknamed the “haunted forest” by locals. Numerous ghost stories and paranormal events have taken place in this area, such as a man who was killed here in 1866 but then returned to haunt his attacker years later with an ax. The most notable story is the story of Hannah, a ghost who was raped and murdered by her husband. 

Her spirit is said to roam around Timberline Lodge in Mount Hood National Forest, where she had been staying with friends before her death.


5) The Old Slave House

The house is said to be haunted by the spirits of African slaves who were held captive in this plantation before slavery was abolished. Legend has it that a slave named Henrietta lived and died there; she would wander around the property at night crying for her mother. Another legend says that an exorcism took place on-site where all the furniture flew across the room.

The house is now a museum, and visitors had reported hearing moaning, footsteps, and slamming doors when no one was around.


6) The Abandoned Mall Of America

The mall was built in 1992 but had to be abandoned when the company went bankrupt. It is now a popular destination for urban explorers and people who want to explore an eerie, deserted ghost town. The building has been featured on shows like Ghost Adventures, Paranormal Lockdown, Creepy Canada, and even American Horror Story Freak Show.

There are many reports of the mall being haunted due to its history with tragic suicides and murders from over ten years ago, and it is one of the scariest places in America.

The bottom line

The top scariest places on Earth are filled with ghosts, mental illness, and things that go bump in the night. The question is not whether you should visit these haunted destinations; it’s if you have what it takes to get through them without losing your mind or life!

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