Dangerous tourist destinations for the fearless hearts

Not all travel destinations in the world mean exploring the cultural heritage and relaxing on the beaches. Things like diseases, flora and fauna, weather, crime, etc., make some countries riskier to travel. However, even then, these destinations continue to be popular among tourist destinations. Here are some of the most dangerous tourist spots in the world. 

  1. Russia 

It is the world’s largest country and a tempting place to visit. The country has centuries of literature and arts, iconic architecture, and expansive landscapes to explore. However, traveling in the North Caucasus can be dangerous because of the political and civil tension. The presence of criminal gangs also makes this place dangerous for tourists. Cities like St. Petersburg and Moscow are rapidly emerging as a reckoned tourist spot. But they are also witnessing a rise in hate crime against ethnic and racial minority travelers.

  1. Thar Desert

Thar Deserts in Rajasthan attracts travelers from worldwide with its perennial sand dunes and surreal landscapes. However, beauty is accompanied by experiences that can be life-threatening for you. One of the things that make the Thar Desert dangerous is the presence of 20 different species of venomous snakes such as Saw Scaled Viper, Black Cobra, Sand Boa, Rat Snake, etc. Even if you can handle the arid climate of the desert, there is danger waiting for you every step of the way. 

  1. Death Valley 

It is the lowest, driest, and hottest national park in the world. Apart from the scorching heat of the desert, there is an amazing contrast of landscape to unwind. From snow frosting to the towering peaks of the park to bountiful wildflowers meadows, this endless place has a lot to explore. Although extremely beautiful, Death Valley can be quite challenging to explore. This is because you will have to go through harsh and arid conditions. It is located in the lowest point of North America, and the average temperature is around 108-degree Fahrenheit and can hit 127-degree Fahrenheit. 

  1. Mount Washington

The summit of Mount Washington holds the record for the world’s fastest winds on the Earth’s surface. The maximum speed recorded here is measured around 203 miles per hour or 327 km per hour. However, there are more concerns than just the strong winds. The freezing temperatures can drop to as low as -40-degrees. Moreover, there are heavy snowfalls, which makes this place dangerous to visit. While it has a modest height measuring around 6,288 feet, it is still considered one of the deadliest peaks in the world. Your body will experience the same load at the peak of this mount as it would experience on Mount Everest’s peak. 

  1. Ilha da Queimada Grande Or The Snake Island 

Not many know about this place as it is hidden far off the coast of Brazil. It is reckoned as one of the deadliest places on the planet, and for the right reasons. It is brimmed with Bothrops, some of the most venomous snakes in the world. According to researchers, there are around five snakes per square meter on this island. Over the years, there have been many stories where people succumbed to the attack of these deadly snakes. After multiple incidents, the government has prohibited visitors from coming to the island. 

  1. Volcano Tours in Hawaii 

Hawaii allows travelers to either hike or bike up the active volcanoes. However, in 2007 there were three deaths and many serious injuries, forcing the National Park to shut down the bike tour temporarily. People end up losing their lives after losing control of the bikes. Additionally, between the years 1992 and 2002, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park recorded around 40 deaths and 45 serious injuries. A lot of deaths have been contributed by the lava haze, which is a combination of hydrogen sulfide, hydrochloric acid, and carbon dioxide. There are many other dangers as well, including scaling the ocean, flying rocks, and lack of proper preparation. 

  1. Madidi National Park 

If you search pictures of Madidi National Park in Bolivia, you will find it very picturesque. However, in reality, it is extremely dangerous. The park abodes the most aggressive and poisonous fauna you will ever come across. Many plants in this park can result in severe rashes, dizziness, and itching. Even a small cut or wound can become infected with tropical parasites. 

The above-mentioned were 7 most dangerous destinations that you will ever come across. Which one would you dare to visit?

Curious Elf

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