8 Tips to tame your temper

In a world full of stress, it is only natural to feel anger. But if you don’t learn how to control your temper, you will find that this emotion can have negative consequences for both you and those around you. Luckily, there are many ways in which we can calm ourselves down when our emotions get the best of us. 

Anger management is the way toward figuring out how to perceive signs that you’re losing control and making a move to quiet down and helpfully manage the circumstance. Anger management doesn’t attempt to hold you back from feeling anger or urge you to hold it in. 

Outrage is a typical, solid feeling when you realize how to communicate it suitably the anger management and figure out how to do this. In this blog post, I will share eight tips on taming your temper so that it doesn’t lead to trouble!

Let’s see what these tips are.

Think before speaking

Often, our tempers flare when we don’t think about what it is that will come out of our mouths next. When you get angry and want to speak your mind but need a few seconds before you do so, try counting down from three. You’ll find this gives you enough time to calm yourself down and think about what you will say, rather than blurting it out in anger.

Do some exercise

If you are feeling angry and want to do something, get up and move. Find an activity that will help work out your anger, such as going for a run or doing yoga poses. Even if it is just for 15 minutes, this can make all the difference in how you feel afterward! You may even find yourself energized enough to finish the tasks on your to-do list that you had been procrastinating.

Once you’re calm, express your anger

If you’ve been trying to calm down but feel like the anger is still there waiting for an outlet, then it may be time to express your feelings. For this portion of dealing with your temper, find a constructive way to work out your emotions, such as going on a long walk or talking about what made you angry in the first place.

Take a timeout

Sometimes the best thing to do when you are angry is nothing. If things have heated up, take a time out and go for a walk or find another way to distract yourself from what’s going on. You may want to clear your head before you come back with an even calmer perspective than you had at first!

Don’t hold grudges

If you find yourself getting angry with someone over and over again, it may be time to let go of the grudge. Every day is a new opportunity that you can start fresh! Holding on to anger from past events will make your life more difficult in the long run.

Practice relaxation skills

There are many different ways in which you can relax and release your anger. For example, try taking deep breaths or counting to ten slowly before responding to a provoking comment. You may also find it helpful to take some time for yourself outside of the situation where the angry behavior is occurring — this will give you room for other emotions that may be coming up and help you think more clearly.

Don’t hesitate to seek help

If the anger is starting to affect your life negatively, like being verbally abusive or hurting yourself, it may be time to seek help. Talk with a counselor or therapist about how you can work on managing your temper so that you don’t have any more severe problems down the road!


It is essential to learn how to control your emotions for yourself and those around you. You will find that these eight tips are an excellent place to start when it comes to mastering your temper!

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