7 Prevailing state laws that are completely awkward

Ever heard of the law that says you can’t put a limit on how much liquor one person can buy in a day? Or what about the one that makes it illegal to wear pants below your knees? These are just two of many awkward state laws you’ve probably never heard of. Check out this blog post for 11 more bizarre state laws that will make you laugh and maybe even shake your head.

Sorority keg parties – Utah

You might be thinking that in Utah, it would be illegal to drink alcohol, but you’d only partially be right. There’s a law against “furnishing” or providing someone with anything they’re not allowed to consume on their own. Sorority keg parties are therefore tricky because if the person at the party doesn’t have a driver’s license, it could technically be considered furnishing. 

In Utah, you’re not allowed to wear pants “below the person’s waist.” That means anything below your knees is off-limits in public, and if someone sees that, they’ll likely tell an officer about it. And while we might all think of this as weird state law, it’s one of the most common follies committed in Utah, so it should be taken seriously.

Maine: No roller-skating stunts on public property

Want to go skate on the public streets of Maine? Well, you better not be trying any stunts. Suppose you want to avoid penalties and a possible jail sentence. In that case, there’s nothing wrong with going for a stroll but don’t even think about jumping or spinning around, as it might just get your car impounded by police officers. 

The law in Maine is clear: “No person shall skate, slide or be propelled on ice or snow by any means other than skates.” That’s right—no sledding. There are also many animals that you can’t own as pets without a permit, like lions and tigers.

Netflix password sharing is prohibited – Tennessee

Do you happen to live in Tennessee? If so, be careful who’s using your Netflix password. A law that was passed not long ago forbids residents from sharing their passwords with anyone else, and violators of the law could face up to six months in jail time or a $250,000 fine for each offense. That’s a hefty punishment for something that many people might not think twice about.

Releasing helium balloons is illegal – New York 

To keep the environment clean, New York has a law on the books that prohibits releasing helium balloons in public. That means you can’t celebrate your birthday with them, and it’s illegal to sell them as well (unless they’re filled before they leave). Hopefully, there will be some exceptions made for wedding proposals or even special occasions because this law is getting a little out of hand.

Hawaii: No billboards

If you’re in the market for a billboard advertising your business, then look no further than Hawaii because it’s illegal there. Signs are not welcomed at all, and if one is seen, they might be taken down “for safety reasons.” So why outlaw billboards? Well, it’s actually to preserve the natural beauty of Hawaii. And while this is noble, The law is meant to protect ” the islands’ natural beauty.”

Delaware: No Halloween on sundays

If you’re looking to have a scary Halloween, then you might want to head over the border into Delaware. The state has some strict rules about celebrating on Sunday because it’s considered “the Sabbath.” That means no trick-or-treating or costume-wearing in public, and violators could be fined up to $25 for each offense. And for those that don’t want to wait, there’s always the fear of a goblin or witch popping up on your doorstep.

Pennsylvania: No bringing alcohol across state lines

It’s a crime to bring alcohol across state lines in Pennsylvania. If you have any, be sure not to enter the state with it from another, or else that bottle will get confiscated, and if you’re caught again, there might be some hefty fines involved. That means traveling out-of-state for a drink has its consequences when if you’re looking to drink, you better make sure it’s from a nearby state—you’ll be breaking the law otherwise!


It’s essential to know the law in your state. In this blog post, we’ve shared 11 weird laws that you may not have known about before. The next time you’re wondering if something is legal or illegal, check out our blog for a quick answer!

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