Among all other things in the Universe, man and the Earth are said to collapse. But before we are either departed to heaven or hell, God is believed to schedule a day and judge our deeds. This day is called the Day of Judgement. On this day, Allah decides how humans will spend their afterlife based on all their deeds. That is why everyone, irrespective of man, woman or child, is said to come down together and stand naked in front of God to hear their judgement.
As soon as the judgement is carried out, life on Earth will end, and Allah will destroy everything. All the people of the world shall be raised from the dead and brought to life for this purpose. But as haunting as it sounds, the signs of this day are even worse. What is even more horrifying is that it is believed that these signs will come any time soon. If you want to know what they are, continue to read.
1 – The Three Landslides
The Hadith mentions that one of the main signs of the Day of Judgement is three landslides. One will rise from the East, the other from the West and the remaining from the Arabian Peninsula. Although landslides have been recorded previously, many believe that this might happen on a more severe note this time. When it happens, it will have a more magical effect than ever. As such, it is likely to come with more destruction than man has ever seen. But no further information is given on the same. So, we are still left to research that.
2 – The rising of the sun from the west
Many Quran commentators believe that the sun will rise from the West on the last Day of Judgement. This will be one of the most significant signs of the apocalypse and the last day’s arrival for everyone. People will start believing in God when the sun rises from the West, but it will be too late. All the souls who have performed evil deeds will start worshipping Allah, but it will be too late. Now, it will not bring any good to them, and then they will repent their lives. But those who will regret, God will give them mercy without any worries.
3 – The smoke
Another sign of the Last Day of Judgement is the smoke. The Quran states that the smoke will cover the Earth and fog the beliefs of the believer. This is said to be brutal enough to cause pain and torment to every last man on Earth. The disbeliever will also be swollen until the smoke comes out of their ears. Although we do not know what the smoke might be about, we believe it could be more paranormal than ever. It is believed that the smoke will cover the Earth for nearly forty days and affect everyone.
4 – Second arrival of Jesus Christ
It is believed that Jesus Christ will come to Earth once again before the Last Day of Judgement. He will come to warn people of their deeds and how they may affect them. When he comes, he will destroy all the wrong people in the world and throw them to hell.
5 – The Beast of the Earth
Before the Day of Judgement, there has been mention of a beast who will rise from the Earth to distinguish the believers and the disbelievers. He is said to go everywhere worldwide, but he will not be able to enter Mecca and Medina. Also, he will roam around the world and brand people on their noses.

6 – The fire to assemble everyone
This is among the last signs of the Day of Judgement, where everyone will come together to experience something they have never seen before. A fire will rage from Yemen and drive people to the assembly. No one knows how fierce the fire will be, but, indeed, it will assemble everyone and frighten them till the last moment. After that, everyone is bound to wait for the Lord.
The bottom line
These were some of the last signs of the Day of Judgement that you ought to know about. If it scares you, make sure you change your deeds today and seek mercy from the Lord. He is bound to forgive you.